Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Happy Anniversary to Felipe Navarro, Lana Corday, Monty Crawford and Anita Taylor. Your 1st year went pretty quick and all of us are proud of what we saw happen last year. We all know there will be bigger and more exciting things to come, in your future with CFR.

'Welcome Aboard' to our newest agents. Anthony Buhager, Michelle Cullen, Lorrie Kueffer, Steven Maher and Robert McDaniel joined "Clients First" in July. This pushed us over fifty agents and with your help we would like to double this figure by the end of the year or sooner, if possible. Please refer any agent to us and if we sign them on you get $100 from your BROKER. Little play on words. Thanks again to Perry Adan, who keeps finding us agents + he earned a tidy $110K in commissions since Dec 1st of 2006.

We finished our State audit last week and really for the most part, we did excellent. Just a couple of items to work on and I know we can fix those without any delay in production. Even though we run a very clean operation and try diligently to make sure all our i's are dotted and our t's are crossed, the audit concept still makes you a little nervous and short. So if I snapped at you the last couple of weeks, please forgive me or at least blame it on ADRE's auditors. Not really, our auditor was very nice and complimented our operation.

Our Company works more on the virtual concept instead of the office and desk theory, but we want to let all of the agents know they are welcome to come by at any time they find convenient. We always try to make ourselves available to you; so don't be shy; come on by.

The Company is growing 10 to 30 percent a month and we know a lot of the thanks go to our agents. Keep listing and selling those houses. We appreciate all your hard work.

Slogan for the month - "STOP AND THINK"

Our August Birthdays: 08-04, Steven Maher - 08-12, Tim Riordan - 08-31, Ramon Osorio

Talk to you soon - WMS/DB